James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Witch with a capital W...

This morning we made the annual fall trek to Gardner Village. 
Nothing like a field trip with the BYU ladies to beat the stuck-inside boredom.

With pumpkins, witches, boutiques and a killer bakery, it's a must for every autumn.

Lola stuck close to her little friend Lily.
I was just happy she didn't try to push her down, which has been kind of an issue lately.
Oh two-year-olds...

 The stars aligned and both my children were quite well behaved.
Sweet little James got stuck in the umbrella stroller that happens to be much too large for him.
Despite the discomfort, he was pleasant and smiley all afternoon.

I'm sure we'll go again several times before the weather gets cold.

If not just for one of the pumpkin sugar cookies.