James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hello sunshine...

The weather gods have been feeling sorry for the humongous pregnant lady over the past few days.

Knowing how much I adore my little city, and realizing how little time I have left to enjoy it, spring decided to gift me with the perfect excuse to halt the packing and step outside with my girl and our beloved walking pals.

If you haven't visited Salt Lake City in the springtime, let me provide you with a few reasons to do so.

Yes, some of the trees may still be bare.
And sure, it will probably snow tomorrow.
But walking one of our favorite routes along South Temple on a day like this one made me realize just how lucky we've been to have lived here for the past three and a half years.

I love Salt Lake City.
The deep, rare kind of love that grows slowly and quietly until one day you realize that when you leave, a part of your heart will stay behind.


Drae said...

I so know how you feel. I held back tears when we left SLC. It is the perfect little city in my mind. Of course I was sad to leave Notre Dame as well and I'm sure I'll be sad when we leave Charlotte. I'm excited to follow you through the next stage of life. Congrats! Keep those SLC posts coming.... even though they make me a little homesick.

AJ and Cindy said...

that was such a lovely walk, and our walks are what I will miss the most. I hold them very dear to my heart! lets get more in while we can :)

Amy said...

Life is better when you spend that much time looking up. It's a beautiful place isn't it?

Angie said...

I know this was a few days ago, but I just had to say, these pictures were beautiful! I love Salt Lake!