James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Kissing cousins...

 Apparently, Lola and Easton really, really love each other.
I think we might have to stage an intervention soon.

More from our St. George getaway, coming soon...


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh. I love it. So cute! They are adorable. Let me know how the intervention goes :)

steph said...

It's funny but cute but funny! So, you gonna make it down to Vegas?

Aubrey said...

Hi. I'm in your ward. Your husband teaches Sunday School. How come I've never met you? I think we should change that. I love your blog and I love that you and Reece have travelled a ton. Sorry if this comment is creepy.