James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Friday, March 25, 2011

Four days with Aheen (in pictures)...

01. Road trip hair

 02. Playtime at the McDonalds in Beaver (Not pictured: gallons of sanitizer)

03. Bathtime trauma

04. Dancing and snacking

05. Hand holding over lunch

 06. Evening at the park

07. Lawnmower watch

08. Overloaded

09. Snacks with Great Grandma Nani

10. Dolly snuggling

St. George getaway with Auntie Di Di and Easton (or, as Lola lovingly christened him, Aheen) was a smashing success, despite the arrival of Lola's molars

Next time though, the daddies are coming so the mommies can go shopping in Vegas.


Alysha and Jason said...

I saw the first photo and was taken aback- she looks a little girl! Not a baby anymore. I can't believe it!

Abby said...

i simply must know where you got Lola's black leggings. I have looked high and low, but to no avail.

Jessica and Reece said...

Old Navy! I adore them. I will be on the lookout for you. What size does Lydia wear?

AJ and Cindy said...

is it just me, or do Lola and Easton have the same eyes? you can tell they are cousins. so glad you got to have a fun getaway :)

AJ and Cindy said...

okay, I just realized they are different colors {i think} but they both have big, beautiful eyes!

robocop said...

I've always wondered what Easton's nickname would be and I think we found it.

Thanks for the fun week! We had a great time.

Abby said...

She's in 18 month right now, but I would totally take 2T. Let me know!