James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lola had her 18-month check up today.
We were a little worried about how she would take it, since she's been so sick and cranky this week.

So how did it go?

I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Poor kid started screaming the second we put her on the crinkly paper in the exam room.

Which, by the way, makes great wrapping paper if you are trying to save money -- according to a lady in our ward.  

And yes, I'm serious.

Dr. Allred walked in amidst her screams, only to say, "Hey!  She's acting just like an 18-month-old!"
Bless that man.

For the first time in her life (and mine), I actually stayed in the room while she got her shots.
In fact, I not only stayed in the room, I held her while the horrible deed took place.
Somebody get me a blue ribbon, stat.

I do believe she would have remained traumatized for life had it not been for Costco's  berry smoothie and some down time with cousin Easton.

What a day.


robocop said...

I love how they are doing almost the exact pose in that pic.

Richard and Kayla said...

HAHAHA i think it really is a good thing to use for wrapping paper, i mean, they are just going to throw it away, right. now thats what i call recycling! :) looks like you had a fun day.

Erin Masi said...

As I child, I was so terrified of the doctor that he could not examine me because I was so hysterical. Oops...I feel her pain!

Jo said...

HAHA!! Those pictures...clearly much more enjoyable for me than you.

Jessica said...

Oh man, I hear you! Ellie gets anxious the minute we walk into the Dr's office now.

Lola's pig tails are so stinkin' cute! And that picture w/ her and her cousin just suckin' away at their pacifiers is awesome. It's like the baby equivalent of getting a drink or a quart of ice cream at the end of a hard day.