James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Whoa Nelly, belly!

Baby's moving around like a little fish.
And in just four days, we'll know if that fish is a boy or a girl.

Don't forget to venture your guess and put your name in the running for a $30 Best Buy gift card!  You have until Wednesday night at midnight.  We find out the sex on Thursday at 9 a.m.


Now I'm off to attend to my other little fishy, who is ironically asking for some goldfish crackers.


Mrs. Gibbons said...

I totally bought that same shirt from OLD NAVY for like $3. Love it! Oh, and I think it's going to be a BOY! We find out what our little fish is in 10 DAYS!

Natalie said...


-Emily's sister. :-)

Camille Wheatley said...

Justin and I say BOY!

Amy said...

Girl. :D And she'll be just as beautiful as the other girls in the family.

Kelly Danielle said...

I'm going with boy, just because this one is so different from Lola... I will put my final vote as boy... no girl.. no both... Ok boy.
Love kell kell

Amanda said...

Jessica! I can't believe you're expecting number 2!! Weren't we just sitting in Stoker's comms class... all reading our facebook accounts on the top row? Where did the time go?

I've got to vote for a boy... just so you can have one of each.

Hopefully things are still going well for you at KSL. I'm still working at the same place (medical software company). I started a new website last week... all about babies. I don't have much on there yet but I did add a short article on the 1st signs of pregnancy that you might be able to appreciate.

Here's to hoping for a healthy baby!

Emily said...

My guess is it's a girl. Send that $30 on my way, wont ya? :)

AJ and Cindy said...

you look beautiful! I am anxiously counting down until Thursday :)

Jo said...

You are so cute! You pull off pregnancy well.

Jo said...

OH and also, I would like you to have a yittle boy, but I think it will be a GIRL.

Megan said...

I vote for boy! Wouldn't Lola look darling with a little brother? :)

Sarah said...

I say BOY - but whatever the gender, congratulations again!

MeganandClaudy said...

Girl...double trouble!