James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


We've been crazy, non-stop busy round these parts.

One thing after another after another -- typical for this time of year, I suppose.
It's enough to make a girl crave her pajamas, a bowl of popcorn and a night with absolutely nothing to do.

But as much as I would love to secure a date with my inner lazy, the fall festivities have been much to lovely to pass up.

A few of the highlights include:

*Organizing a work baby shower for the lovely Shara, who's baby William is set to make his debut anytime in the next five weeks.  I love this girl, and judging from Lola's reaction when she rubbed Shara's belly, she's already got a thing for Mr. Will.

 *Pumpkin picking at Pack Pumpkin Patch.  I dare you to say that ten times fast.  The only downsides:  Reece was too sick to join us (what with his first fall cold and all) and daylight is becoming quite elusive past 6:30 p.m.  Thus the crappy photo quality, but we loved the adventure all the same.

*Annual Ivins family photos at the Capitol.  With two babies this year, it was our most adventurous shoot yet.

*A fall feast with the Maudsleys, complete with a dose of Clue and some intense sugar cookie decoration.  Fulfilling a Reece request, I made shepherds pie for the first time.  Let me assure you, it will also be my last.  The highlight of the evening: watching the two "las" imitate each others' every move.  We (the mamas) find their little friendship so beautiful.

Joining forces with Camille to throw a combined birthday bash for Reece and Justin -- partly out of guilt for abandoning them for our New York/New Jersey adventure, but mostly because we love them.

And the money shot (because it looks like they are leaning in to kiss, and that makes me giggle):

Other happenings include:

*submitting grad school applications*watching paranormal activity with hollie and losing the ability to sleep*hiding the candy corn from Reece, who's already gone through four bags on his own*early-morning fall runs*missing my mommy*baking pumpkin chocolate chip cookies three times a week*

Who can tell I'm really, really behind on blogging and found an excuse to catch up with one condensed uber-post?
Anyone? Anyone?


Jessica said...

So much fall festivity in one post! And I SO agree! We need to play and get these two girlies together! I'll Facebook you about it!

Esplins said...

What is it with guys and Shepherd's Pie?? Gross. Steve loves it. What a lovely post. I wish I were a part of your busy activities. You're way fun 'on blog'... I bet you're even more fun 'in person.' Good luck with the next week of fall festivities.

Eric and Lindsay said...

Wow, I hear ya on the crazy busy! These next couple months are going to be nuts for us!

AJ and Cindy said...

You have been super busy, but doing a great job at everything you have done! I am so glad we have been able to be a part of so many of your activities! :)

Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

Cute pictures of the bday party! Love you!