James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, October 18, 2010

Portraits of insanity...

We asked the lovely and talented Alix Loosle take some family photos for us last week.

And while I learned that one year olds and photo shoots mesh about as well as pickles and orange juice, I am thrilled with how the images turned out.

Here's a [lengthy] peek at my absolute favorites, though to be honest, I adore them all.

It's official.
I'm addicted to family photos.

Because quite frankly, I love my little family so much my heart might explode.
That, and professional photographers are always great at making my skin look flawless and my post-baby gut look tight.

As a side note, our plan to have Grandma and Grandpa Rogers be our "Lola smile inducers" (aka squeaky rubber chickens) blew up in our faces.  From the moment they pulled up in their car, Lola wanted absolutely nothing to do with us, or the camera for that matter.

So that's that.


De Rosa said...

Amazing, I love these photos so much! Yep we may have to steal this lady from you! She did so cute and they turned out to die for. Lola smiled a ton and you guys look off the charts cute!

Abby said...

Y'all look darling. And Reece, yes, I would like to be your neighbor. That brown sweater is kickin'.

Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

I LOVE THEM! So cute!

alyssa said...

Those look fantastic!!

Unknown said...

These are the cutest! You're so pretty in all of them!!! Lola is a very lucky girl to have such great parents!

Kari McCallon said...

Love that pictures! Lola looks adorable!

AJ and Cindy said...

I love the pictures! They turned out amazing, I am sooo going to talk AJ into using her for pictures. I can't wait to see all those pics up on your wall! :)

Esplins said...

Darling! I'm so jealous they turned out so great!! Every time we try family photos I have to deal with whining and complaining. And Michael isn't very nice about it either :)

Brooke Hill said...

You family is adorable Jess!! And I love how you did your hair! I hope my kids turn out to be as cute as yours!

Kate said...

Gaah! Are those PURPLE SHOES?!?? Me likey.

Oh, and your family is pretty cute too. :)

Ryan and Lindsay said...

Your family is absolutely gorgeous. I am obsessed with these pictures. Every one of them!

Kim said...

Adorable photos! And I love your shoes, too.

Sarah said...

These pictures are fantastic. And how cute is Lola in every one!? Evelyn will barely look in the direction of the camera anymore, let alone smile.