James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, April 26, 2010


This evening, Lola and I met up with some of my study abroad girls at Gourmandise downtown.  The most appealing aspect of this little restaurant is its mile-long display of goodies -- cookies, cakes, tarts, meringues, brownies -- it's like a one-way ticket to the Biggest Loser.

After knocking over several glasses of water, throwing every toy in her diaper bag onto the wet floor and smearing sweet potatoes across the table, Lola forced me to call Reece for backup.  He arrived just in time, scooped her into his arms and sauntered over to baked-good heaven.

I looked up a few moments later to see my 8-month-old daughter in her daddy's arms, holding a Lola-sized gingerbread cookie.

I'm pretty sure gingerbread cookies aren't on our pediatrician's list of approved baby foods.

Also, just for your information, sucking on a gingerbread cookie turns it into a sugary, sticky crayon.  And it gets on everything.  Who knew?

Lola wore her treat badge with pride. Thank heavens for OxyClean.

There's really only one way to describe what Reece has become since he first laid eyes on his brown-eyed daughter...



The Wrights said...

I love Gourmandise! Most favorite resturant ever!!!

Kimba said...

we all knew that was going to happen. :) he's always been a girl's best friend.

Amy said...

Oh this makes me smile! (and maybe tear up a bit...)