James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Today, we blessed our lovely Lola Maria.

As per tradition in my family, we blessed her at home (well, at my parent's home) with family and a few close friends.

My chicky is always gorgeous, but today she glowed.

And as her daddy blessed her, I couldn't help but think how blessed this little girl really is.

She's blessed with wonderful grandmas who dote on her to no end.

She's blessed with grandpas who melt whenever she's in a 5 mile radius of them.

She's blessed with good men who helped support her on her big day (and who I'm sure will help her dad scare off potential dates in the near future).

She's blessed with a Papa who would do anything for her, and who loves her more than anything else.

She's blessed with cousins and aunts and uncles who came from far and near to love on her.

Then again, Reece and I are pretty blessed too.

Blessed with good families who support us and help us as we figure out how to raise our daughter.

Blessed with moms who really know how to feed us (and everyone else, for that matter).

Blessed with fantastic friends who really seem more like family.

Most of all, we are extremely blessed to have our little girl, and each other.

Oh yes, we are blessed.


Unknown said...

this is so sweet. love it. :)

Abby said...

Okay, totally cried while reading this.

Lola girl looks like a little angel.

tara said...

What a wonderful day! so so precious. families are amazing

Emily said...

Beautiful baby girl! And you look great!!! Love your outfit!

Serena said...

I love this post!!! Isn't it nice to feel so blessed??? And your family is the cutest!