James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cue the Feather Fans and Grape Holders...

My child leads a ridiculously charmed life.

Take this little story, for example.

In an attempt to enjoy what is left of the lovely fall weather, Grandma Thaylene and I took Lola out on a stroll about Salt Lake.

It started out nice enough. Perfect temperature. Beautiful trees. Lovely breeze. Sleeping baby.

In fact, things were going so well we decided to keep going. You know, hit that 6.5 mile mark. With a 2 month old. In a stroller.

And then the wind started to blow. The diaper overflowed. The bottle drained to the last drop.

That's when the deluxe car seat that cost more than our couch, bed and dining room table combined became insufficient for my little drama queen.

After all, why would anyone travel in this...

When they could travel like this?...

Something tells me that Grandma will be willing to carry Lola until she's 16, if needs be. Let's just hope she curbs that appetite of hers by then.


Amy said...

Ha! It's a good thing for grandmas.....what if you had been alone? gasp!

Unknown said...

Wow! Where did you get your couch, bed and table? That's pretty impressive. haha! :)

Abby said...

Yeah, if you had been alone you would have been in quite the pickle. Grandmas are great, and do they LOVE their grandkids or WHAT?!

Ashley and Mikkel said...

you are hilarious! i love reading your posts!! lola is a doll!