James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just Because...

I've had a difficult time coming up with clever blog posts lately. My current writer's block might have something to do with the newborn living in my apartment. She's fairly distracting.

Or maybe it's the sleep deprivation resulting from said newborn. Likely. Very likely.

And so, for your viewing pleasure, I'm taking the easy way out and posting this adorable picture of my bathing babe.

Don't you just want to smooch her? I do.


Kristin said...

She looks like a doll! Absolutely darling!

KAT said...

That's a cute picture! And you can keep it to embarrass her when she's getting married. I swear my mom showed my fiance every single picture of me as a kid!

AJ and Cindy said...

Look at her big eyes, so beautiful!

Kimba said...

yes, yes i do. and i will, soon! i can't wait.

Abby said...

the answer to that question is yes.