James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, July 27, 2009

From Crappy to Crafty...

Let me just start by saying, I am NOT a crafty person.

I tried to scrapbook once, but abandoned my kindergartner-sticks-cotton-balls-on-construction-paper page after a mere 15 minutes.

I took a sewing class in high school, and nearly sewed my fingers to what was supposed to be a shoulder bag. Oh, and the shoulder bag came out looking more like a pair of holey socks.

Then there was the glue gun incident of 2000. Severe burns ensued. Enough said.

Through these failed attempts at craftiness, I have become known among my family members and friends as the Anticraft. At first I felt sad about my lack of skill, but later accepted my fate and just paid the talented people to make stuff for me.

Until today.

After cleaning the entire apartment for the 67 millionth time, I wandered into the nursery. It was there that I realized something was missing, and it was up to me to fill that void.

So I waddled to the car, drove to Wal*Mart and purchased the following:

With tools in hand, I set to work doing this:

Which eventually led to this:

And ultimately turned into this:

I made something for my baby's room! AND I didn't kill or mame myself! AND I didn't burn down the apartment! AND I actually like how it turned out!

Sure, a two year old could have slapped some paint on a few pre-made flower hooks. But right now, I feel like this:


Amy said...

Way to go! Those are dang cute.

Mellanee said...

Jessica, you're just adorable and I'm so glad my Reecey Poo found himself such a darling wife.

Abby said...

I am impressed that you took it upon yourself to make these, if you are indeed the Anticraft you say you are. Everything looks adorable.

Now the only thing that's missing from that cute baby's room is the baby, which is the ultimate craft.
And when she is here you can say, "Look! I made a HUMAN. Top THAT."

steph said...

That's awesome! Who says crafts have to be complicated? It's like that news writing rule: K.I.S.S. Way to go!

And I second what Abby said at the bottom.

Jessica said...

As a fellow anticraft, I'm SO impressed! I have so many projects I've thought of for Ellie's room and I just cannot bring myself to start a crafty project.

Unknown said...

Well I am proud of you! Those are so cute.!. I can't wait to see your cute baby because I totally plan on coming to visit :)

Kimba said...

Love it! Cute AND functional! Perfect place to grab and wrap. :) And now you don't have to answer Reece's "Honey, where are the blankets?" questions. Or is it just my husband who asks where things are before he looks?

Jennifer said...

Soooo cute!! will you make me one when I'm preggo?!