James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Nerd Headphones...


Reece couldn't wait to show me his latest Best Buy purchase.
He's never been so proud of anything in his life.
These headphones make it possible to play his nerd computer games, while communicating with other nerds.
Just don't tell him he looks like Brittney Spears (I've gone down that path, it's a dark one).

But I might find myself borrowing the nerd headphones in the near future.
Did I mention I got a new job?
I'm KSL's Television's newest Internet Content Manager/Producer.
KSL.com is my new domain, and I am ready to conquer it.
Did I mention this position allows me to work from home, when necessary?
Did I mention this means I can keep working, while spending time with my kid?
Did I mention how grateful I am for this blessing?

Well, now you know.


Amy said...

Congratulations! That is fantastic news!

Also, he does have a little Brittney in him....

Mrs. Gibbons said...

Love that! And it sounds so official. Isn't being a grown up so weird. I miss the good old days of sleepovers every weekend and ginormous cups of frozen yogurt from the good ol' YP.

Oh, by the way, I don't think I sent an invite to your parents house...but I would love to see them at the wedding if they can make it! You know I adore them.

P.S. I am right now craving wheat toast with spray butter and raspberry jam. You know what mean...

Serena said...

Congrats that is perfect!!!!

And I wear a similar headphone at work to talk on the phone. I hate it!

Set for success said...

Thats really amazing Jess! Good for you guys. Congrats on the promotion

Kristin said...

I am SO happy for you and the job.

You should tell Reece to embrace the Britney in him!

steph said...

That's fantastic!! What a fabulous gig! I'd much rather update a website from home than have to report to the newsroom every day/night. Hooray!!

Candace said...

Yeah! Congrats on the new job. You will be awesome. And let me just tell you that ksl.com is fantastic. Okay, the news is great but the classifieds are what keep me going. I love them! Good luck.

Jessica said...

Holy cow, that's amazing!! Congratulations on the new job! I visit ksl.com daily, so I'm already a fan.

Man, those headphones remind me of my call center days. *shudder*

aubrie said...

Awesome, way to go on the new job! I'll totally be reading your work, I check ksl.com pretty much every day!

Madelyn said...

Congratulations on your new job! It sounds like the perfect job for you and your new little one. I am on ksl.com all the time haha.

Jennifer said...

OMG!!!! Girl I'm sooooo excited for you and your new position! Yes, completely jealous but soooo excited for you! Congrats!! :)