James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, June 13, 2009

June Showers....

Mama mia turned 50 this weekend, and to mark the momentous occasion, we decided to shower her with love in the form of a surprise birthday dinner.

After all, it's not every day a woman marks half a century of life.

We woke up this morning to more showers... literally. Call me crazy, but I adore this kind of weather.

Despite the gloomy weather, Mama and I hosted a bridal shower this afternoon for one of my best friends. It was lovely. Unfortunately, I was so busy chatting, I forgot to take pictures. Bad Jessica.

The last shower of the weekend took place in honor of my baby girl. My fabulous friends Emily and Lindsey went above and beyond with this one.

The decor included a montage of the ever-expanding bump. Fantastic idea? I think so. In fact, I loved it so much, it's going above our mantel.
Well it would, if we had a mantel.

The food spread put even Martha to shame:

I have outstanding friends. Seriously.

Thanks to all who came. Baby Girl Ivins is one spoiled little lady, and so is her Mama.

And now, it's off to bed. A weekend full of showers is incredibly exhausting.


jaclyn said...

Ok I thought it was the fifteenth......... I am very upset right now... Confused and upset.

Anonymous said...

Hey you, sorry I couldn't make it! Provo was just too hard to fit in. I'm glad you had a good time!!

Jennifer said...

Know I was there in heart!

Kristin said...

Sounds like a lot of fun showers! I can't believe you only have 7 weeks. I am so excited for you!

Lindsey Bell said...

It was so fun! You got some really cute stuff! Sorry I had to run out of there....

Candace said...

How did you do all of that in one day? It's tiring just reading all of that! Your shower was so fun, and it felt so good to see you and everyone else. You look fantastic and I will be coming to see you and the little one this summer in SLC. Get ready.