James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Friday, February 13, 2009

Our New Addition...

Reece and I agreed to be thrifty in our Valentine gift giving this year... seeing as we have a little one on the way who will likely demand most of our savings.

So I set out to find the perfect gift, one that would tell my husband just how much I adore him.

Well people, while browsing the aisles at Target today, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the motherload. That's right, hidden on the bottom shelf of the Valentine candy section... sat this little gem:

A fleece blanket. With sleeves. The most talked about product since the Chia Pet. Millions have been sold. It's true, just watch the creepy infomercial on YouTube. You won't regret it.

And now, for the fashion show.

Even Adele the cat loves the Ivins Family Snuggie:

Never again will we sacrifice the use of our hands for warmth and comfort.
What a relief.

And of course, it wouldn't truly be Valentines Day if I didn't whip up one of these:

Mission accomplished.

(In other news, we may or may not have visited the "European" doctor to discover the sex of little parasite. Check the Weekend Update for some big news!)


Muncher Cruncher said...

hahah...i LOVE that you actually have one of these. I've been a victim of the infomercial time and time again. So convenient.

Russ said...

HA! I have seen those on commercials all the time and I always need one late at night when I am reading and my arms are cold!

steph said...

I'm super jealous. Like, super. I bet you guys have Sham-wow and Strap Perfect, too! Geez.

The Grady's said...


I almost peed my pants reading this to Kevin as we have sat and watched those infomercials and joked about buying one! Thanks for an entertaining read (and fantastic pictures!)

Kimba said...

I cannot BELIEVE you got a Snuggie!!! That first pic is PRICELESS.

Marissa Waddell said...

SNUGGIE! This is the greatest thing ever.

Jaclyn said...

ha ha i died laughing just now. your husbands face! so funny. i feel like him and my husband would be best friends if they met.

Jennifer said...

Haha! I've been wating one of these!

Hayley said...

I just got a piece of spam mail for the Snuggie. I actually looked at it because of this post. It's tag line is, "Lower your heating bills." This is good, because now you can save money for cute baby items!