James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Oh the Teenage Years...

After a rather eventful ultrasound, Reece and I headed to our beloved Target to pick out baby's first outfit(s).

Here's a peek:

Heaven help us. More estrogen is on the way.


Brianne said...

YEA!!! cOnGrAtUlAtIoNs!!!! Girls are so much fun! Oh, the accessories, and frills! Gotta love it! She will be spoiled...that's for sure!

Unknown said...

GIRL!!!! YAY! I am so excited to go shopping for the wee one!

Candace said...

What a perfect Valentines! Congratulations! The shopping seems so much better for a little girl. The dresses are adorable.

steph said...

Girls win!!! Hooray!! I'm so happy for you guys!!

Kimba said...

YEAH!!!!!! Mini Jess! Oh, that girl is going to have Reece wrapped around her little finger! I'm so excited for you guys!

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

Congratulations! Girl clothes are way cuter than boy clothes! I love the yellow/white poka-dot dress, by the way.

Jennifer said...

OMG I'M SOOOO JEALOUS!!I want a little girl so bad! I'm so excited for you!

Amy said...

That will be the best dressed child in the city, that's for sure. :) Congrats!

Kristina said...

How fun! A little Lola! (And I'm so sorry someone said bad things about your name. Stupid people!)
PS- I love that you got Reece the snuggie!! Too funny!

Kristin said...

Congrats! I love the outfits!