James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, February 26, 2009


One pregnant lady.
Six Discs.
One Season at a Time.

One Major Addiction.
I'll see you when I'm all caught up.
Any other fans out there?


Jaclyn said...

oh. my. gosh. just wait until you get to season 5. all i can say is wow. i feel as though we should discuss season three in great detail when you're done.

Kimba said...

Jess. We are OBSESSED. We don't know anyone else who is, so uh, HURRY IT FREAKIN' UP! It might be the most addicting show since, well, The OC.

Muncher Cruncher said...

oh my GOOODness. i'm mid season 3 right now, and I'm in love. WOW. it's so freaking good, and SO crazy I usually can't believe it. love it!

Mrs. Gibbons said...

Oh My....Me and Jase are obsessed. Every Wednesday we have cafe rio and watch Lost. It's so good right now!

Adam and Tara said...

ahhhh Adam and I love the show! There have been lots of complaints about the current season because it's only good if you have watched EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. Get on it. :)

Candace said...

Yes! I love it! Jared and I first started getting into it when we were dating. We bought the seasons and went crazy. Keep watching because it is a sweet series, and a great time waster. Oh, and the DVDs are so much better because you don't have to wait a week in between episodes. so MUCH better.

Happy watching!

Shannon said...

YES! We love Lost. Cherish the time when you can watch it on DVD! Now that we are caught up and watching it on TV it's so frustrating to wait a week between episodes.

Also, be aware you might have a love/hate relationship with the show! It is so good, but they are so slow to wrap up plot lines. Hope you're enjoying!

Kristin said...

Yup, we love it here as well. I'm glad you're enjoying it! Lost is AMAZING this season!