James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Friday, January 23, 2009

What Should You Expect...

...when you are expecting?

I'll tell you.

Bloating, and lots of it.
Inflating, uh, chest.
Extreme fatigue.
Constant dull nausea.
Desire to eat lots of toast. And ONLY toast.

But it's also kind of cool.

Don't worry, I took two more, just to make sure it wasn't a major fluke.

Yes people, according to four pregnancy tests, a doctor and an ultrasound... I have a little person growing in my ever expanding belly.

When life throws you a major (and extremely terrifying) curveball... I've learned you just have to go with it.

So everyone is invited to a birthday party for baby Ivins on August 4th.


Reddeye said...

You remember our deal where I get to name your first born? I've chosen "Pork 'N Beans", since you didn't let me name your cat that.

Amy said...

Congratulations! That is so fantastic!

I can't wait for the pregnancy stories.

Kate said...

Yay, my birthday!


Emily said...

Congratulations!!! That's so exciting for you two!!

Kim said...

Wow! Congrats!

Kristina said...

When you said in your pre-birthday post that your birthday was interesting, I thought to myself, "I wonder if Jessica's pregnant?" I have a knack for guessing people are pregnant. Or something like that.

Congrats! Y'all will great parents and that is gonna be one cute gelato-lovin baby!

Ashley and Mikkel said...

Oh how exciting! well it is official though... everyone i know is pregnant but me! I am being left in the dust with an empty uterus!!

spelling? how do you spell uteras? it doesn't look right.

siovhan said...

that is AWESOME!!!!
i'm so excited for you! you're going to be such great parents!
and now little alivia can have a friend! (meaning the wisemans must visit.)

Judd Family said...

Congratulations! that is so exciting, having a baby is the best thing in the world.

Jaclyn said...

babies!!!!!!!!!! yay. well hopefully just one baby but still i'm so excited for you. and ashley don't feel bad i'm not pregnant either.

aubrie said...

Congrats! That is exciting...and scary...and a big change. I'm sure you will be wonderful parents. Hopefully the very pleasant side effects you discussed will get better soon. Good luck!

Abby said...


HOLY CRAP! I don't even know what to say right now! What to do!

Holy crap.

Reece is going to be a father.

Holy crap.

Erin Masi said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Congratulations girl!!! How exciting!!!! You're going to be a mommy!! :)

Brent and Anne said...

Wow! Really! How exciting! We have to talk more next week!

Unknown said...


i knew it. :)

i hope you start to feel better soon...

Kimba said...

Con-FREAKING-gratulations!!!!! YEAH!!!! I've been waiting for a mini Reece since HIGH SCHOOL, and now the possibility of a mini Jess is way too much. Seriously you guys, congratulations! I'm so excited for you! Yeah for babies! It is the best thing ever, I promise. Hard to feel that when you're constantly on The Verge. Have you tried Seabands? You can get them at Walgreens. They helped me a bit. They're really attractive let me tell you, but at that point? You could have strapped a jock strap to my head and if it helped I would have worn it with pride. :) Love you both! Yeah!

Adam and Tara said...

Ah congrats!!!! That's so exciting for the both of you! I want weekly update on that cute growin' belly of yours!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations!!! Wow! I was excited to check all of my friends blogs when I got back in town cause I had a feeling I'd see one of these announcements, I didn't think it would be you though!! This is awesome! Congrats again! Can't wait to read about it!

Alexis said...

We shall be visiting to see our future family member. At the very least ONE of our kids will have am arranged marriage to one of yours.

Stevenson and Marissa's Blog said...

Hey congrats!!! Can't wait to hear all the dets! You always write an entertaining post.

Kristin said...

I am so excited for you two! Congratulations!

tara said...

oh. my. gash. This is quite the shocker! COnGRATULATIONS!

Candace said...

I feel so behind. How could I go a couple of days without checking in on Jess and Reecey? But...

Congrats! You will totaly be an adorable mama. It could be one hot summer for you.

Mrs. Gibbons said...

Hooray! That's so exciting. I just have to comment that the picture of the pregnancy tests brings back an oh so familiar and frightening feeling for me. Hee Hee...How lucky was I to have you as a best friend at that time in my life? Pretty much THE LUCKIEST!! Jessica, come to bed!

The Grady's said...

OH MY FREAKING GOSH!!! I am SOOOO excited for you :) Congrats, Jess!