James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Weekend Update: 12 Down...

I feel the unnecessary desire to document my growing belly for this kid... so that he or she can see how huge mama became while incubating. The things we do to multiply and replenish.

Here I am, in all my 12 week glory:

I can no longer button most of my pants. At first, I blamed all the pizza and gelato consumed in Italia. But after yesterday's ultrasound, I am rejoicing in the fact that I am three months along, and the bulge is likely our "skeletor" baby, and not totally due to the mass amounts of carbs consumed over that 2 week period.

I mentioned before that I almost missed my entire first trimester. I feel I owe a short explanation. I had been working the overnight shift from October through the end of December... and was constantly battling the urge to, well, puke my guts out. When I visited the doctor in early October, he told me this lovely new addition to my life was just my body adjusting to my irregular (and insane) work schedule. So I believed him. All the way through Christmas Eve, when I begged Reece to pick up a pregnancy test, so that we could at least rule THAT crazy idea out.

Well, four pregnancy tests later, I realized that my body was NOT, in fact "adjusting" to the crazy schedule. It was growing a little parasite that will, come August, transform into my firstborn child.

We were shocked. And confused. Again, I had been working the overnight shift for nearly three months, meaning Reece and I didn't even sleep in the same bed. So how (and when) did this happen? I am still trying to figure it out. It must be one determined little kid, I'll tell you that.

And did I mention we left for Italy the next day? Because we did. So I got to ignore the feeling of panic for two blissful weeks. It was wonderful.

But this is real people. I am going to be a mama, whether I am ready, or not.

And despite all my worries and anxieties, seeing this, made everything worth it:

*Also... I promise to finish our Europe update, complete with pictures from our amazing trip to London, as soon as I finish freaking out about the fact that I will weight about 400 pounds in the peak of the summer. Yeah.


Lindsey Bell said...

I can't believe you got so many awesome ultra sound pictures! I'm jealous! I got one at ten weeks and four at 20 weeks. Your baby is so cute. I think it's a boy...

Kimba said...

Ah, the bloat. I know it well! Fear not! It goes away! Only to be replaced by a belly! Though that's always welcome. When I finally started to show I was grateful, like, FINALLY something to show for the nausea! :) You're adorable!

And that Italian trip? Perfectly timed.

Muncher Cruncher said...

Jess! I am so excited for you!! You'll be the cutest little preggers ever!!!

Abby said...

He looks like Reece. Look at those fingers for crying out loud.

steph said...

OMG!! That's awesome. Congratulations. I'm so glad you got to enjoy Italy too before any little ones came along.

Jaclyn said...

you and baby look adorable! how fun. i'm looking forward to reading about your entire pregnancy! please update daily.

Shannon said...

Jess, congratulations! You are seriously hilarious. I LOVE your story about how you don't even know how it happened! Hhahah. Good luck and can't wait to see more updates :)

Reecey said...

Whose prego wife is this, because she's hot. I bet he's hot too. Choo choo!

Skye said...

Congrats thats so exciting! you are too cute!

Jessica said...

Congratulations!! That's so exciting! And way to miss that first trimester--that's 13 wks of worry you don't need. I get to pop my kid out in June and I'm so sorry you have to go through the hot summer pregnant! But it'll be worth it--you can hang that over their head the rest of your kid's life. ;)

Megan & Matt said...

YAY!!!!! So excited for you guys!

Anna Heywood said...

Well, this was an important piece of info you forgot to share with us Thursday night. Congrats! That makes #9 for the ward right now. At least that is all I am currently aware of. So, you will be in good company!

Kari Lyn said...

YEA!! Congratulations. Did Reece tell you that I was jumping up and down today when he told me???? Well I did the belly pics, loved them. If you need anything just let me know.

And I love that you said it was a parasite! Oh and I told Reece it was a boy.

Unknown said...

you being 12 weeks prego looks the same as me sucking in.

OnlineGuy said...

Oh Jessica- I am so excited for you guys! Congratulations!! You are going to be such fun parents, and you are looking great!!

MeganandClaudy said...

you're pretty much going to be the coolest mom ever. I'm way excited for you! CONGRATS!