James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Ok, so, I've failed. Blew it. Messed Up. I will fully acknowledge the fact that I did NOT post on Friday. Which means, I have dishonored National Blog Posting Month. But, in my defense, I am still an amateur... and this is my first year in the blogging realm. That being said, I will post twice today, just to meet my goal of 30 November posts.


Reddeye said...


Melanie said...

i just can't believe you can blog this much at all! i'm so impressed - i'm lucky if i write 4 or 5 times a month! =)

ECR said...

All I know is that once you start an addiction you just cant stop… I now expect to have my Jessica fix everyday, you created the problem so now you have a responsibility to supply me with my drug, or pay for my rehab.