James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


We learned yesterday that a fellow MBA student lost his wife suddenly and unexpectedly.
She'd given birth to their third child just four days before she passed.

So now, in what should have been the happiest time of his life, this newly-graduated father and husband has to bury his wife, care for three children under the age of four and find a way to keep getting out of bed in the morning. 

We didn't know this couple personally, but our hearts are broken for their family.
This is hitting a little too close to home.

I can't stop thinking about them.
About their sweet babies.
About how incredibly unfair it all seems.

I guess it goes to show that life can change in a second.
You can have everything one day, and lose it the next.

 And that's where faith comes in.
It's things like this that cause me to examine my own faith, my personal relationship with my Savior.

And that's when I remember that because of Him, my family is mine, forever.
Because of Him, no matter what tragedies and trials rear their ugly heads, everything will eventually be OK.
And that's just about the only thing that makes life's uncertainty bearable.

Today we slowed down, held our babies a little tighter, listened intently to everything our very chatty toddler had to say, reveled in each giggle from our happy little boy and thanked Heavenly Father for allowing us to belong to each other.


Marissa Waddell said...

Wow, that is so tragic. I can't even imagine.