James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Odds and ends...

 Newport 2012 will go down as one of the best Rogers' family vacations on record.
Some of the greatest memories include:

*Daily Pinkberry runs with my mom and sisters
 *Numerous trips to Trader Joe's
*Shopping, shopping and more shopping
*Lounging poolside with my trashy magazines (thanks Grandma Nani!) and TJ's dark chocolate caramel sea salt bar while my babies swam with their adoring fans
*Dinner with the siblings at Pita Jungle
*Watching The Muppet Movie forty times a day
*Runs along the beach with my parents
*Spending quality time with our Oregonians -- we've missed Alysha and Jason like crazy

I'm so grateful to my parents for making it happen, and to my family for being so good to us.
My kids (and Reece and I) are so lucky to have them in their lives.

I'm sure I will think of more when it's not midnight and I'm not rushing to put a period on this epic novel.

But really, the trip was that wonderful.
If only I'd bumped into George Clooney...


Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

I miss you!

Valerie said...

Wait, wait, wait...you were in Newport Beach and DIDN'T call me?!? Hello!!! I SO would have come to see you and meet your children, even just for a few hours! That's it, I'm calling you...