We decided to do our own little Christmas morning with our babies this year, since we actually took the time to put up a tree in the basement.
Also, Lola's gift from Santa would have been a massive pain to drag upstairs.
I'll admit, I was up at 7, waiting not-so patiently to hear Lola's morning "Maaaaaaaama" coming from the monitor.
Why is it that the one day I actually wanted my kids to wake up early, they decided to sleep in?
When they finally did decide to grace us with their presence, we rushed to the tree to see if Santa had paid us a visit.
Sure enough, Mr. Claus delivered.
For the past several months, Lola somehow found a way to smuggle the topic of a dollhouse into every conversation she had.
I'm not even exaggerating on this one.
"So mom, if I finish my lunch can you call Santa and tell him about my dollhouse."
"James, I'm going to be your best friend so Santa will bring me a dollhouse."
"Mom, I peed in the toilet. That means I'm getting a dollhouse."
"I like your shirt. Can I have a dollhouse?"
And each time we visited Santa, the request remained the same.
So we were all pretty excited to see a lovely little dollhouse with her name on it, right under the tree.
Totally worth all the swearing involved in its assembly, right Santa?
Jamesy squealed the moment he saw his puppy guitar, and broke out into song before he even turned the thing on.
He's going to be the family rockstar, mark my words.
Santa opted to leave our stocking stuffers in "Christmas cubbies" this year since we couldn't find James's stocking anywhere and have no mantle on which to hang them anyway.
It was there that Lola found her beloved pony panties,
(side note: Reece thought it was a little creepy that an overweight bearded man in a red suit broke into our home and left our daughter underwear...)
The moment she saw them, she forgot about the dollhouse.
Looks like Santa could have saved a looooot of money this year.
Oh, children.
James found the little tigers left in his cubby and just like that, the language of this Christmas became a frightening growl.
From there we just sat around eating candy and playing with our new toys in front of our Netflix fire.
What a perfect way to spend a snowy December morning.
Round two came shortly after, when we headed upstairs to open presents with aunties and uncles and nana and pop.
It was so nice to have my whole family in one room.
We were all spoiled rotten.
Perfectly perfect in every way.
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