James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, December 6, 2012

October, in another nutshell...

October was basically comprised of pumpkins and candy.

 Between Cornbelly's and Farm Country, we basically lived at Thanksgiving point for a few weeks.

 We made our annual trek to Gardner Village with the Wheatleys and the Maudsleys.
This is a tradition the women love and the men love to grumble about, but we always have a nice time.
Our girls were particularly adorable that evening -- holding hands and giggling with each other without any prompting from their swooning mamas.

Probably has something to do with the fact that they've known and loved each other since birth.

 The kids and I returned a few days later with the Wisemans, because when you find a place your kids love and it wears them out enough to take three-hour naps, you cling to it.

Also, James punched a sneaky sheep in the face, so that was a little crazy.

Since this is our last year as BYU students, I dragged my family out of their warm beds at an unholy hour all in the name of bright blue Homecoming pancakes and Creamery milk.

Lola took one look and refused to touch them.
James ate about six, and then showed his Cougar Blue spirit for the next few days with some seriously disturbing diapers.

We nabbed primo seating for the Homecoming Parade, which turned out to be quite eventful.
James had his first experience with the Sword and the Quill crazies and Lola's catlike reflexes served her well in her quest to grab the unceasing stream of candy being chucked at our heads from the floats.

 Speaking of floats, the big kahuna came in the form of the "Stand a Little Taller" spectacle.
Please note the heroes included:

Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., President Monson...

David Archuleta.

This was not a joke.
I repeat,
This was not a joke.

My babies were happiest when outside, playing in the sea of leaves that littered our backyard all month long.
They rolled, they jumped, they tossed and they twirled -- with or without pants.

Lola went on her very first field trip to the Orem Fire Station.
James and I tagged along, because I love field trips as much as the next person and I also like to live vicariously through my three-year-old daughter...

It was a smashing success, mostly thanks to the free cotton candy and popcorn.

We left the babies with my wonderful parents and escaped up to Park City with Redd and Di for a weekend.
We ate, we ghost toured and we stayed up late watching scary movies and gorging ourselves on Maverick's finest treats.

It was lovely.

 I had to work the night of the final presidential debate, which was the worst.
But I got free pizza and kept my hospital mug filled with Diet Coke, so that was the best.

 We had a perfect visit from my sweet friend Ro, who stayed with us over Conference Weekend.
Jamesy immediately fell head-over-heels, and we never wanted her to leave.
Life is just better when she's in it.

 It snowed, so we did what had to be done...
Snowman: check.
Chili & homemade caramel apples: check.
Hot cocoa by the fire in a summer dress: check.

Lola girl does not do winter wardrobes.

 And then of course, there was Halloween.
Which was all kinds of messed up this year, thanks to Hurricane Sandy...
But that's a different story entirely.

I did get to celebrate with my babies a little early at the MBA family Halloween party.
Tinkerbell (or as Lola says, Pinkerbell) and Mr. Smee had the time of their lives, even though Mr. Smee's beard (crafted by washable markers) smeared all over everything in four seconds flat.

 And that, my friends, is the end of that.