James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, November 14, 2011

Why, thanks: thirteen...

(From Sunday)

 Today I'm thankful for the three hour nap James and I enjoyed, especially since we all woke up feeling so yucky.
I'm thankful for oversized sweatshirts and leggings.
I'm thankful for snickerdoodles.

I'm thankful for snuggle time in Nana's bed.

I'm thankful for my endlessly patient mother, who willingly complies to my very bossy daughter's demands.

"Tea party Nana!"
"Get my princess blanket nana!"
"Oranges, Nana!"
"I want your cookie, Nana!"

Naughty frog.


Alysha and Jason said...

How do your Snickerdoodles turn out so beautifully?

Jodi Escalante said...

I see you've read a lot of books this year...any favorites? I just finished "The Help" and am now reading "The Book Thief", along with a few other books based around pregnancy, labor, etc.

"The Glass Castle" and "Water for Elephants" have both interested me, how were they? I have also heard good things about "The Poisonwood Bible" for quite some time. I keep meaning to pick it up...Would you recommend it?

Anonymous said...

Never hitch I came for porn