James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Seven days...

It's been exactly one week since James joined us.

We've had our ups.
*cuddles, kisses, nursing successes, visitors, naps, more cuddles*

We've had our downs.
*getting peed on, getting pooped on, interrupted sleep, nursing pains, sick babies*

But what a miraculous week it's been.
Maybe it's trite, but I really can't picture my life or my family without the presence of my son.

To celebrate seven days of James, we gave the boy his first home bath, which he loathed.

 To get over the trauma of said bath, we slept.
A lot.

Another fun birthday perk: the nasty umbilical cord stump finally came off.
Reason enough to bake a cake right there.

I spent a lot of time worrying during my pregnancy.
Worrying about the health of my unborn child.
Worrying about my ability to care for two children.
Worrying about my capacity to love another kid as much as I love Lola.

If there's anything I've learned in the past seven days, it's that every new little life is a blessing.
And as my family grows, my ability to love expands exponentially.

My love for my husband continues to know no bounds.
My love for my daughter doubled overnight -- something I didn't think possible.
And my love for my little boy, my James, is greater, sweeter and deeper than I ever could have imagined.

But really, can you blame me?

Here's to the hardest, craziest and most wonderful week of my life.


Kim said...

Your little boy is ridiculously adorable! What a cutie! And I love the pictures with big sister Lola :)

Eric and Lindsay said...

Pretty much he is one of the most adorable little boys I have ever seen!! And we fully plan on coming to visit you guys as soon as Eric and I are over our colds and we are moved into Eric's sister's place in Provo by Saturday. Hugs to you all!!

steph said...

Love the pictures, the stories, and your strength. Wishing you more sleep, less pain, and lots of cuddles. And other good things that come in three's.

JeN!cE said...

I love it. He is precious. It may be cliche (and the damn polygs on TLC nabbed this saying) but its true- your love is multiplied. Congrats to you and yours. He is straight from heaven. Enjoy every second.

Jo said...

He is sooooooo cute and cuddly looking, it makes me a little jealous.