James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Highs vs. lows...

Today's High:

Discovering that my boy is a fantastic shopping buddy.
Take that, stereotype.

 Never mind the fact he was bored into a state of unconsciousness the entire time.

Today's Low:

Being forced to nurse my boy in the parking lot of the McDonalds on 4th South in Salt Lake (famous for it's ever-present army of intoxicated goons).
Because when he's hungry, he's hungry.


AJ and Cindy said...

I am still swooning over him! I am glad he was a good little shopper for you and hopefully eater even if it was at McD {which is only fitting considering dollar Cokes...}

PS..Lyla is saying "baby baby" over and over looking at these pics of James