James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Decisions, decisions...

Cougar blue or Sun Devil gold?

Good thing Lola rocks both colors

We've got a big decision to make.
Well, Reece does anyway.

I'm so proud of him for being accepted to both the ASU and BYU MBA programs for this fall.
We feel incredibly blessed.
Now if we could only decide between Provo and Tempe.


Amy said...

Congratulations Reece (and company)!!!!! I can't wait to see where you wind up.

Angie said...

Oooh, both such great choices! It would be fun to live in AZ for a while! Sunshine all winter sounds perfect. I love AZ. That's what my choice would be!

AZR said...
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ECR said...


Muncher Cruncher said...

Jess I loved your comment! That is a hard choice!! If you go to AZ I'll come meet you for shopping, lunch, ddp's and fro yo k? Oh and yep...there are 2 H&M's here now. Isn't that a good enough reason to come?

Stephanie Kay Moore said...


Ashley and Mikkel said...

if i had to choose i would seriously choose tempe! i would sacrifice seeing my family for warm weather...

Kim said...

Congratulations, Reece! It's awesome that you guys are in a position where you can choose between two great options!

Marissa Waddell said...

Tough decisions! But either one will be a good decision, right?

Jessica said...

Oh my gosh, fiercely cute in either! Props to Reece--that's awesome! And if you're taking votes, ours is for Provo! Ellie and I would love, love to have you and Lola in our neck of the woods! (And Reece sounds like just the right blend of nerdiness/business/hilariousness to mesh with Scott!)

mathistown said...

Congrats! We too are making the big grad school decision...good luck!!