James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


It's just one of those days, I tell you.

I was up at 5:45 in an attempt to work out for the first time since a stupid cold took over my life.
Unfortunately, Lola was up at six, which meant my poor husband was up at six as well.

I struggled through my workout with a little help from the Kindle.
I did manage a shower, but Lola and I both crashed before the clock struck 9 a.m. and slept for a solid two hours.

And now, here we both sit, at 2:20 p.m. -- me in my robe, Lola unbathed and pajama clad.

And did I mention that on January 11th, my house still looks like this?

I'm shooting to get Christmas down by the time my birthday rolls around, but I think getting Lola bathed is probably the priority.


Amy said...

I don't see the problem....when Christmas looks that goo, you may as well enjoy it, right?

Shara Parker Park said...

My house totally looks the same way still! Ha! I keep looking at our tree thinking...at some point I am going to take you down, but not today.