James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

On the first day of Christmas...

My true love gave to me...
An early-morning trip to the gym while our baby slept
A clean sink
The completion of our second-to-last grad school application.

My other true love gave to me...
The consumption of a big breakfast
A fuss-free morning nap
A big kiss when she woke up

I can't believe it's December!
The sky is that lovely shade of gray that brings the promise more snow.
In fact, as I look out my window now, snowflakes have started to fall.
I can't help but be excited about it.

Though October and November tie for a close second, I think December is my favorite month of the year.
Festival of Trees.
Starbucks Caramel Apple Cider.
Lights at Temple Square.
A Christmas Story.
Christmas parties.
Peppermint Stick ice cream.
Crazy mall Santa.
Gingerbread houses.
Visits with old friends.
An entire week with family.

Doesn't get much better than that.

On my Christmas to-do list today:
Finally buying lights to adorn our naked tree
Baking a test batch of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for Santa
Dunking above-mentioned cookies in milk
Wearing red
Starting on Christmas cards
Finding Reece the perfect gift, which is nearly impossible, for the record

Hope your first day of Christmas is a lovely one!


De Rosa said...

Yeah for Christmas time, I am excited for all the fun things we all can do together! I really can't wait to do the temple lights, and especially crazy santa. We should get a picture of all the girls together on Santa's lap. Anyway I am glad the first day of Dec is going great.