James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Friday, December 31, 2010


The fifteen-week recap is coming nearly a week late, seeing as how I was much too busy stuffing my face and lounging around while on vacation to blog.  I've grown soft in this second pregnancy.

But I promise, the lack of shower curtain is completely worth it.

Dude, I am HUGE.
Seriously, I think this bump I've got going on rivals the 20-week bump I had with Lola.
I'm counting the days until our third ultrasound, just so I can rule out twins for the third time.

This baby is quite a lovely traveler.  I only had to stop several times to pee on the drive to California, which is a personal best for me. 

However, just when I thought I'd gotten my energy back, a few good long runs on the beach confined me to the couch for much of Christmas evening.  It could have been the enormous turkey dinner, but I actually started experiencing contractions, which was a little scary.  All is well now though, I am just taking it as a cue to slow down a bit.

I am currently having a love affair with Subway turkey sandwiches (oops, deli meat!) and have likely spent about $50 over the past two weeks to satisfy my cravings.  Green apples are still at the top of my must-have list, along with any kind of sour candy.


I'm the first to admit, I've been playing the pregnancy card like it's going out of style this time around.
Poor Reece.
He's such a good husband.

As my belly grows, so does my excitement. 
It's starting to actually feel real.
We are going to be the parents of KIDS.
Not just kid.

I had that very thought while watching my Lola girl open her gifts Christmas morning.
Next Christmas is going to be crazy, crazy fun.


Jo said...

Ohhh your family is quite adorable, my stalking tells me so, and I'm excited to see this new baby!!

Ryan.Kendra.Makenzie.Tracker said...

huge!!! NOOO.. You are so adorable.
What a fun break you have had!

Amy said...

Baby bump pictures should always be taken on the beach. I like it.