James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Winter walk...

It's no secret that Lola and I love our walks.
Each of us depends on that time spent outside to stay sane.
Because people, our apartment is not that big.
Neither is my baby, but she has proven to be a weapon of mass destruction in such a small space.

However, October has proven to be a stumbling block for me.
I'm a wimp and I hate the cold.
I suppose you can take the girl out of California, but you can't take the aversion to snow that comes from growing up where it doesn't snow out of the girl.

Things got downright icy around here a few weeks ago, bringing out my natural instinct to slip on the Snuggie and hide under the couch with a bowl of ice cream.
Go figure.

But I've become so addicted to our daily jaunts, I quickly began to experience withdrawals.
And so, mostly thanks to my brave and oh-so-motivated walking partner in crime, Cindy, we bundled up and braved the brrrrrrrr.

My little snow baby didn't seem to mind at all.

Then again, I probably wouldn't have minded as much if I was covered in snuggly blankets.
And pushed around.
And handed a cracker at the simplest squeak.

It helps to have your best friend along for the ride as well.

I have to admit, the brand of fresh air that only winter can provide felt more than rejuvenating in my lungs.
And what girl doesn't love the natural pink blush that emerges with the smooch of Jack Frost?

It's amazing what a bit of snow can do to your everyday surroundings.
Our normal route was given a lovely makeover, that even me, the ice queen, couldn't deny.

And seriously, how hilarious does Lola look?
A dollar for whoever can provide the correct count of different fabric patterns in this photo.

Bottom line: I still hate winter.
But after our test run, I don't think I'll be as afraid to venture outside for a little exercise.
Especially since Lola's ability to destroy is severely hampered by all those blankets.


Jessica said...

Brrr, things have definitely been chillier on your side of the point of the mountain!

I loathe the cold as well--although I'm from Utah and have no excuse--but I totally agree that leaving the house is a MUST in the winter. Last year, I would bundle both babies up in snow suits, put on my snow boots, and go walking with one strapped to my back and one in a stroller. Not my fav way to go walking, but I didn't kill a single person last winter.

Amy said...

Not just anyone can pull off a mishmash of patterns in one outfit, but I think she's got it goin' on! :D

AJ and Cindy said...

thanks for always walking with us! that day was so great,especially because there were no bugs, finally!