James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, November 1, 2010

Will run for candy...

I woke up Halloween Eve to find my sister in a jogging outfit with a liquid eyeliner Harry Potter scar on her forehead.

Nothing too out of the ordinary for Alysha.

"Come run a 10k with me!" she said.

Who am I to deny a girl with a liquid eyeliner Harry Potter scar on her head?
So I agreed.

The "Highway to Hale" 10k happened to be a costume-required event, so I sat patiently as Alysha painted a liquid eyeliner Harry Potter scar on my forehead.

The following photo is post-race, so don't judge.

Though I love to run, I've never participated in an organized race before.  I got a bit teary as I pinned my official number on my shirt.  
(And no, I'm not grabbing my chest.  I'm simply trying to emphasize the greatness of the number 391.  As a bonus, I included my world-famous double chin.)

The race itself was a blast.
It was the perfect overcast fall morning.
Not too cold, but chilly enough to keep me from sweating buckets.
The route took us through tree-lined neighborhoods.
The colors were vibrant from a recent dust of rainfall.
It felt soooooooo incredibly good.

The hard-core runners who dressed to the nines for the event provided endless entertainment for the entire six miles.

And my personal favorite....

Crossing the finish line 55 minutes and 29 seconds later was an absolute rush.
Though I'm sure I placed four-billionth in my age group, I think I'm hooked to this race business.

Not because of the running.
Oh no, it's the swag that will keep me coming back.
We received a goody bag full of prizes, including four tickets to two shows at Hale Center Theatre, a coupon for free dinner at Magelbys, a rockin' orange running shirt, chapstick, Jamba Juice vouchers and more.

So thanks to my sissy, for dragging me out of bed for a fantastic pre-Halloween workout.

Anyone want to run a Thanksgiving 10k with me?


Camille Wheatley said...

Heck yes! I'll run a Thanksgiving 10K with you!

Kimba said...

this is just another thing i'm excited for being home - to run a few shorties (since i hate running) with people i love. i'd totally do it with you! and by do it i mean trail way behind and huff and puff to the end. :) i swear i never hear about races out here! sounds awesome, and the swag totally does it for me.

Amy said...

Go you! That race looked like a blast!

There's a Turkey Trot starting at Bountiful Rec Center on Thanksgiving if you're interested. :)

Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

Yay! Ha! You crack me up. I'm so glad that you came with me! I sure love you! You did awesome! (I told you the SWAG is the best part, you really should do a half- marathon, they give the best SWAG.) :)

aubrie said...

You go, Jess! That is awesome.

And the swag? Seriously? I'm contemplating taking up running just so I can partake of said swag!

Abby said...


De Rosa said...

Is there a 5k apart of that 10k because I will so run it.

alyssa said...

I run the Bolder Boulder in Colorado a lot just for the lunch box at the end. It's a pretty crappy lunch box that velcros shut and it full of all sorts of weird health food (Bolder is a totally hippie town, its awesome), and yet I still pay $50 to run it. Just talking about it makes me want to run it again! If you're ever in Colorado on memorial day, I suggest you do this! I think you'd love it. It's also a 10k.