James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, November 7, 2010

While mom's away...

Being a working mom is quite interesting.

On the one hand, I absolutely love being home with my girl.  Having the gift of observing her as she observes the world around her is priceless, something I wouldn't trade for anything.  And there is truly nothing better than snuggling up in bed together for reading time when we both wake up.

On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoy the time I get to dress up, put on a bit of makeup and head into the world of grownups.  I adore my coworkers.  I love the challenges of my job as an Internet news producer.  And as guilty as I feel committing this to print, I have to admit that I really do cherish the time I get to myself.

Back to the "interesting" part.
If there is one thing I've learned over the past year, it's that each job has helped me to appreciate the other in a very significant way.

On the really tough "mom days," usually when Lola refuses to nap, eat or stop yelling, I long for my desk in the newsroom.

By the same token, after spending 24 hours of each weekend immersed in shootings, stabbings, kidnappings, floods, politics and all other manner of brain-squishing chaos, I count down the seconds until I can run home and sneak into my baby's room for a peek at her precious, slumbering, perfect little body.

And I realize that no matter how tough the mom job can be, it's the best one out there for me.

Lola's babysitters (aka Grandma Cyndi and daddy) are very aware of my need to be informed on all things Lola, and frequently humor me with cell phone picture messages depicting her antics while I'm away.

The following are a few of my recent favorites:

Rocking out to Dad's iPod


"Grandma went shopping and I reaped the rewards"

 Dude, I love my crazy little lady.
Now I'm off to plant a smooch on those delicious cheeks.


Amy said...

Could she be more adorable? I think not.

Caitlin said...

she really is so adorable. i love this. thanks jess for good reminders about the importance of motherhood and the importance of also taking care of yourself. you are great! love you.

Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

She looks just like you in the second photo down.