James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Chew Toys...

Lola has reached the dreaded teething stage. She's currently working on a big, sharp chomper right in front.

Anything and everything is fair game. This kid makes a regular meal out of her skirts, shirts, cats, blankets, toys -- you get the picture.

The upside to this new development is the way in which it has advanced her motor skills. Nothing stands between Lola and a good bite.

She has developed a particular taste, however, for human flesh. More specifically, Mama's flesh.

I can only imagine the massacre that would take place if she was still on the boob. I can honestly say this is the first time since she quit nursing that I've felt relieved she made that choice.

It's a good thing my little cannibal is so adorable.

Unfortunately, the teething has not meshed well with the sleeping. My fantastic sleeper, once the envy of mothers everywhere, now wakes up around 4 a.m. EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and wants to stay that way until at least 8 or 9. It would be one thing if we could just pop the Binky back in and call it good, but our trusted Binky friend has lost its magic as of late.

No, no. This girl screams like she's never screamed before. No amount of rocking, singing, bouncing, praying and crying (courtesy of Mama) can get her to calm down. It breaks my heart (and my energy levels).

So, you wise Mamas, what are some good remedies that have worked for you? I'm getting desperate. I think we've gone through an entire bottle of infant Tylenol in three days.

NOT REALLY, but you get the point.

I could really use some advice on this, if you are willing to share.


Kimba said...

Sadly, I have no advice except the Tylenol. Wy hasn't been a terrible teether, which I suppose makes up for the fact that he didn't sleep through the night till he was 8.5 months old. :) Anyway, my consolation? It'll stop soon. That's the lovely thing with teeth, they get em and you get a break, they get em and you get a break...etc. etc. etc.

Also, randomly, except for the one time on the plane, Wy never bit. :)

Alysha and Jason Whiting said...

Advice: send her to me.

Sarah said...

Our pediatrician said to try motrin instead of tylenol since it helps with swelling and tylenol does not. Also I might have some teething tablets I can bring over. People swore by them but I don't know if they helped Malakai much. His favorite thing was ice. I'd get a wash cloth wet and freeze it he liked chewing on that or I'd put an ice cube in a wash cloth for him to chew on. Good thing his first 6 teeth came all at once. Hopefully Lola's will too.

Jordan Ormond said...

Motrin works much better for Lily than Tylenol. But you can also alternate them ever 2 hours too keep the pain relief flowing, or to keep a fever down.

Lelia♥ said...

I know when my lyssa loo was in the dreaded teethng phase, I finally kicked it in the butt with baby orajel, tylenol, and teething tablets.. Yes, they all work, and work well together... (the husband was deployed I needed relief)

Annie said...

baby orajel works like a charm. just rub a little on her gums. i have heard the teething tablets work well too but the ones i found had coffee and/or caffeine in them. so we never used them. hope she gets through it soon.

Lisa and Mark said...

lucy has been the crabbiest baby on the face of the earth since january 3rd. she's been gnawing on my hand that long, and let me say, her jaw is getting stronger and stronger. OUCH! tylenol didn't seem to help. oragel didn't either. she was waking up like 5 times a night, now it's 1-2.

moral of the story: i'm pretty sure this stage just sucks. hopefully yours won't last as long as this one. :(

AJ and Cindy said...

I love that first picture of Lola. Lyla has been eating our hands as of late, too. She seems to like her teething rings, but she also loves to chew on burp cloths and stuff like that! Maybe Lola will, too :)

Our family said...

Didn't you say you were thinking about leaving her with grandma. Sounds to me like this would be the perfect time. Problem solved!

Jessica and Reece said...

Thanks for the tips ladies! I'm hoping they work. These teeth are kicking my behind.

Serena said...

I love how you said "still on the boob." hahaha

Heather said...

hey, use the motrin. it last longer and is just better all the way around.