James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Final recap...

October, as previously stated, is perhaps my favorite month of the year. I'm still trying to figure out how it flew by so fast this year.

Perhaps it was all the pumpkin carving...

Or the bowling...

Or the trips to the Farmers Market...

Or the baby socializing...

Or the Murder Mystery-ing...

Or the birthday celebrations...


I know exactly what it was....

This chick prevents me from cleaning my house, brushing my hair, putting on makeup, exercising, going to bed before 1 a.m., cooking dinner, eating meals in general and spending any real alone time with my husband.

But to be honest, I wouldn't have it any other way.


Kristin said...

HAHA! LOVE the lobster costume! The first picture is my favorite!

tara said...

I love that picture at the end--with her smile like..'ya I know I prevent all that awesome other stuff..but come on, I'm totally awesome cuteness myself'..She's so cute!

Abby said...

Oh, the time. How it doth fly. But wait, I don't have a kid yet and the month STILL flew by! I think that the holiday months are in a different space/time continuum than the other months.