James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Scaredy Cat...

We've often wondered how our feline children (Jack and Adele) will react once our human child arrives.

Last week, we borrowed our friend's kids for pizza and games. You know, to sharpen the parental skills and all.

This is where I found Adele:

Needless to say, neither cat seemed amused. In fact, they both acted downright terrified.

This could be an interesting transition...


Logical Libby said...

Your cats will try to kill your baby. Oh, yes, they will. That is, until they realize they can get food from her.

Kristin said...

Oh goodness, that is hilarious! I love how one of them hides under the rug!

Judd Family said...

hey if you want me to make you some dresses or headbands let me know what you would want and I will get you prices and such! Email me gentryjudd@yahoo.com

Abby said...

Oh, the little kitties. They are terribly cute, you know. I think they will do just fine with the new baby. A newborn is different than a toddler.

Kari McCallon said...

That's hilarious!

Chad and Bekah said...

I love it! We just added another kitty to our family, ourselves. Let us know how the addition of a child goes!!!