James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear Swine Flu...

I hate you.

I question your validity.

I am sick of writing about you all day.

Please just go away.

(NOT) Love,



Kristin said...


Kimba said...

They've shut down two schools within a mile or so of us.

I was very dubious of the bird flu, but for some reason this one gets to me. My germaphobia is on high alert...

That said, I do believe that many people are too freaked out about it - they say to treat it like a normal flu. Stay home. Wash hands. Get thee Tamiflu. I can't imagine what it must be like to be working at a doctors office / hospital right now. People freaking out because they have the sniffles and what not.

Reecey said...

Pigs. Now they get their revenge. It's like an updated version of Animal Farm.

Wash your hands everybody!

tara said...


just wash your hands and stop licking people!

Adam and Tara said...

Jess, please call it the H1N1 virus. ;)

siovhan said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i affectionately (or not so much) slugged one of my stories SWINE FLU FRENZY today because i hate this crap.

and it makes me really want bbq as revenge for having to write about it.

Abby said...

Fo shizzle yo.

steph said...

This is one of the many times I'm thankful I'm not working in TV news. On the flip side, though, I'm subbing in classrooms full of teenagers who cough, sneeze, and don't wash their hands. The school I was at today sent a flyer home with the students about Piggy influenza. At least they're proactive about it.