James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make these:

We dun good.

But can I just say, this handy tool:

Kinda kept making me think about the epidural needle.
Bad dreams to follow.


Cindy said...

These look amazing. MUST POST RECIPE!

Alexis said...

Epidural needle - not even scary - and this is coming from someone who passes out anytime they even think of needles. They numb your back before they put the needle in - it's totally painless. Actually, they mark your back with a pen first - and that was the most painful part for me - Matt was totally laughing at me.

Kimba said...

Wow those look good.

And it's true, the most painful part of the epidural is the numbing part. And i didn't even see the needle. I was too busy trying to squish the daylights out of Caleb's knees. I don't think words can adequately (I think I just spelled that wrong...OH WELL...) describe the relief I felt after that epidural kicked in, even if it was just a small one. Ahhh...

Kimba said...

Oh, and yes. Recipe!

Unknown said...

those look delightful