James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tags...

Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags?: This year, gift bags. And by gift bags, I may or may not be talking about Target plastic bags.

Real Tree or Artificial?:
Artificial, as depressing as that may be. The cats would eat/strip a real tree.

When Do You Put up Your Tree?:
Sometime last week, I think. The days are blurry.

Do You Like Eggnog?:
No. And gross.

Hardest Person to Buy For:
Probably my father-in-law. How do you pick out a gift for your father-in-law?

Easiest Person to Buy For:
Any girl. Mom, sisters, sisters-in-law. Cake.

Mail or Email Christmas Cards?:
Christmas cards? I haven't found the time/desire to attempt that yet. Maybe when we have a kid.

Worst Christmas Gift Ever Received:
A teddy bear that already belonged to me, courtesy of my then five year old sister.

Favorite Christmas Movie:
"A Christmas Story," hands down. TBS's 24 hours of "Christmas Story" is a Christmas Eve essential at my house.

When Do You Start Shopping?:
This year... likely a few days AFTER Christmas.

Have You Ever Recycled a Christmas Present?:
Too incriminating.

Favorite Thing to Eat at Christmas:
"Egg McMuffins" a la mom. And candy cane Tootsie Pops.

Lights on Tree:
Red and White.

Favorite Christmas Song:
NOT "Christmas Shoes." That song makes me HATE Christmas. But I do love Silent Night.

Traveling this Christmas?:
Italy! And England too. That is where the shopping will take place.

Open Presents Christmas Eve or Morning?:
One present Christmas Eve (usually PJ's)... everything else gets ripped open nella mattina.

Most Annoying Thing About this Time of Year:
"Christmas Shoes" playing nonstop on the radio. And parking in downtown SLC.

Favorite Christmas Dinner Treat:
Mamma's stuffing. A-MA-ZING.


Unknown said...

okay missy, why do none of your chrismas plans include ME???

Kristina said...

I TOTALLY agree with you: I HATE HATE HATE the Christmas Shoes. Worst song of all time.

Anonymous said...
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