I am not ashamed to proclaim my utter adoration of The Hunger Games series.
I've read all three books at least two times and convinced Reece to read them, which led to even more madness in the form of intense, 2 a.m. discussions about the characters, themes and ultimate message of the story.
You think I'm kidding.
I'm not.
For the record, Reece is Team Gale.
I intend to make him a T-Shirt for his first day at Microsoft.
I'm Team Peeta because I'm the sane one in our relationship.
I will not be making myself a T-Shirt though, because that would make me look like a creeper (Twilight Moms, anyone?).
I've been counting the days until the movie came out.
The preview alone set my heart all aflutter.
The Maudsleys invited us to a free screening on Saturday, so we left the kids with their grandparents and indulged in a double date with some of our very best friends.
I haven't felt this giddy since my first NSYNC concert.
Overall we thoroughly enjoyed the movie and I am already looking for an excuse to see it again.
We can't get enough of AJ and Cindy, so the fact that we got to see it with them was a definite bonus.
Thanks Maudsleys, for a fantastic afternoon!
And thanks, Hollywood, for not destroying my beloved book.
You're first n'sync concert? You mean there was more than one?
I guess Kellan was right about English majors.
I am so glad we go to see this with our best friends! Thanks for coming with us, we loved seeing you guys :)
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