You really can't visit Portland without dropping by the weekend market along the waterfront.
It's got it all: excellent people watching (because you know I'm all about the people watching), fantastic local food and quirky vendors as far as the eye can see.
It is, however, a bit more difficult to maneuver with two children (as I am discovering most everything is), but we had a great time nonetheless.
Miraculously our Lola girl kept it to just one tantrum, and we were lucky enough to capture solid photographic evidence.
The highlight of the outing was the drunken dude who tried to sell my 2-year-old one of his bongs.
Yeah, that really happened.
Moving forward.
Voodoo Donuts has become a Portland institution, and though we were too lazy to wait in the massive line for one of their bacon-topped maple bars, we made sure to take a few pictures while taking in the delightful (and free) donut smell from outside.
Good times were had by all, and those good times were only just beginning.
You stay weird, Portland.
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