Last night we took the kids to BYU campus for a free outdoor showing of "Up."
Did I mention there was free ice cream too?
And when there's free ice cream involved, I'm willing to do just about anything..
including hauling a 3-week-old and a cranky toddler to what turned out to be a singles mingle.
I always get nostalgic when I visit BYU.
I spent five crazy years of my life there, and thus have at least five memories attached to each building on campus.
Poor Reece has to listen to me tell my college stories over and over and over again -- possibly why he is not so much a fan of going to campus with me.
So I turned my stories on Lola instead.
The night took a slightly obnoxious turn when we ran into the sea of EFY kids -- one of the main reasons I only attended summer semester once.
One can only take so many teenage hormones smashed into one square mile.
I only say this because I was once one of those hormone-crazed EFY teenagers.
I only say this because I was once one of those hormone-crazed EFY teenagers.
I'm pretty sure Reece wanted to turn around and run back to the car, screaming the whole way.
We finally made it to the quad and set up our blanket amidst the sea of mosquitoes (and single freshman looking for love).
We won a free BYU onesie/T-shirt thing for having the youngest child in attendance (sounds like a BYU-sponsored contest to me!) and Lola immediately stripped down before we could stop her.
Apparently she really, really likes baby cougars.
And we really, really like SWAG.
At this point, we were covered in mosquito bites and getting strange stares from the younger crowd (because we have officially entered the "old party crashers" stage), so we packed up and headed toward the Creamery on Ninth for some expensive ice cream.
The line for the free stuff was waaaaaaaaaaaay too long.
Walking around a place I love with the family I love on such a lovely summer evening was wonderful.
Even though Lola threw a tantrum a minute and we had to stop so I could nurse James twice and the creamery had a 4-hour wait for food.
Just another memory to add to my BYU memory bank.
And it's right up there with laying on a blanket on the lawn of Heleman Halls freshman year, watching The OC on a laptop with my roommates.
You are a brave soul and I love it. Lola girl is a riot. James = adorable. Hope all is well with this tiny fam. Thanks for sharing!
Aaah! We were there! How did I not see you? That free ice cream was amazing... exceot for when my lip froze to a Popsicle and caused some damage. We need to visit you guys!
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