James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Saturday, June 11, 2011

To my first...

Lola girl, do you know how much I love you?
You are always, always on my mind.

Your big brown eyes that smile just as lovely and bright as your mouth does.
Your skinny little chicken legs, currently covered with bruises and scratches from playing too hard in the backyard all day long.
The way you stand by the sliding glass door and beg to be let "ow-side" over and over and over again.

The way you call for me when you wake up.
The way you jump up and down in your crib with your "crazy professor hair."
The way you just want to hold me tight for the first few minutes after I pull you out.

Your sweet little kisses.
Your new penchant for biting my shoulder, and the way you find it so hilarious you laugh until your entire body shakes.
The way you run to me for "huuuuuuuuugs."

Your made-up songs, performed most often when we're in the car.
The way you adore your massive collection of baby dolls and stuffed animals, and the manner in which you diligently care for each and every one (hundred) of them.
Your obsession with your new "baby seat" (dolly stroller) and the way you pray for it every night.

The way you nod your head when you say "please," as if to prompt me to respond with the right answer.
The way you say "Thank you mommy" about four thousand times before you move on to the next subject.


I can tell you know there's a change coming.
A change that will alter your little life forever.

And though you may not understand exactly what is about to happen, I hope you sense this change will be a good one.
That even though things will be different -- sometimes maybe even a little difficult -- they will be better.

I may not get to love on you as often as I do now.
We may not get as much alone time together as we've had over the past two years.
I may be a little cranky.

But trust me little girl, you will always, always be my very best friend.

Because you were the one who taught me to be a mother.
You were the one who showed me what life is really about.
You were the one who gave me a new purpose, one I wouldn't trade for anything.

You are my sunshine, my heart, my every hope, my greatest accomplishment, my definition of joy.
I love you so much baby girl, please don't ever forget that.
I will always belong to you, so promise me I can have you forever too.

