Lola loves to drink. This we know.
Breast milk, formula, Diet Dr. Pepper, Coke, apple juice, water, smoothie, milkshake -- she'll take it all with a smile.
So when I made the mistake of placing a baby-sized sample of Starbucks Green Tea Frappuccino within her reach before tossing it in the garbage, well, you can only imagine what happened.
I managed to steal it away before she got any of the actual frappuccino, but she did get a fistful of heavy whipping cream. To the horror of the other shoppers, I grabbed that fist and sucked all the whipped cream right off.
Panic makes people do crazy things. Well, that and a love for heavy whipping cream.
Mom of the Year Award, right here.
It should be mentioned that I have never intentionally given my child any caffeinated beverage. Chalk that one up to the grandpas and the aunts.
I love your Lola stories, they are so funny!
Hahahaha. That little girl is a CHARACTER. I love her.
This makes me feel okay about my chai addiction.
those are the perfect size for the babies! I was so embarrassed when you sucked the whipped cream off, I don't know if I could be seen with you again.... JK :)
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