James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Monday, June 7, 2010

Be Prepared...

That is my new motto.

I've already mentioned the caught-at-a-restaurant-without-a-diaper fiasco.

I tried to bake cookies the other day, mixed up the dough and realized I didn't have any chocolate chips.

I have ignored my laundry pile for so long that today I woke up and discovered an empty underwear drawer.

But that Jessica is no more.  Starting today, I will be ready for anything that may come my way.  I will anticipate the needs of my family and always stay one step ahead.

So that's why I booked Reece and I a 7-day Mexican Riviera cruise for February 2011, complete with stops in Long Beach, Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta and Mazatlan.  Because I KNOW I will have sunk into a deep winter rut at precisely that time, and now I will have something to pull me out of it.

The only thing I didn't prepare myself for was becoming too excited to sleep.  I guess sometimes being overly prepared can be detrimental to one's health.

It's going to be a long nine months.


Until then, I will reminisce about my last trip to Mexico with my then-brand new husband.  While there, we took our very first "cruise" together, which turned out to be a rickety old boat packed about 238 people over capacity.

The "captain" favored the Spanish speakers when the time came to go snorkeling.  He announced over the intercom (in Spanish) that there were about 100 snorkel sets for a boat of over 300 people (numbers are likely exaggerated seeing as how it has been three years).  We were sorely confused by the mass exodus that followed.  Once we found out what was going on, we hung our heads and threw our saltine crackers to the fish below.

Did I mention we got to share a deck with perhaps the hairiest man alive?  Because we did.  I swear at one point a seagull got trapped in his furry back mat.

And then came the "gourmet" lunch, which consisted of an unidentified meat, greasy lettuce and a slice of Bimbo bread.  Yes, Bimbo bread.

Here's to hoping our upcoming cruise is a bit less... horrifying.


Jessica said...

Wow. I expect ANY cruise after that will be amazing! Especially if the hairiest man alive doesn't make in aboard...or wears a shirt. Yikes!

De Rosa said...

Oh crap, I forgot to tell you my back looks like that! I guess you will have to put up with the hairest girl on a mexico cruise ever, sorry friend.

steph said...

I like this type of planning. Why must you tempt me with the idea of a cruise? Brent and I are having a talk tonight. It seems we may need to start planning ahead.

Katie said...

How fun! I went on that one a few years ago on the Elation with Carnival. You guys should parasail in puerto vallarta that's an experience. I got about 4 feet from a palm tree--terryifying but fun!