My thumb is the opposite of green. I have killed every plant I've tried to grow, and that's including a plant given to me by my neighbor with the reassurance it was "unkillable."
So when my master gardener mother-in-law gave me a beautiful pot housing four kinds of herbs and flowers, I was more terrified than the day the nurse placed Lola in my arms for the first time.
So every single day since then, I've set the alarm on my phone to remind me to water my second baby. I've pulled it into the shade when the sun is too intense. I've read it stories, sang it songs and told it jokes. I've done everything short of tucking it into my bed next to me at night.
It appears my efforts have paid off, and my thumb is starting to look a little less black and a little more phosphorescent.
Tonight, my second baby did me proud.
See that basil on my pizza? That's my baby basil!!! I kept it alive long enough to harvest and partake.
And my goodness, it was good.
Mmmmmm looks delicious! I have a pot and a balcony, maybe I should grow herbs! (what else is in that pot?)
Bah. forgot to check the box for follow up comments.
Lucky! My basil still only has four leaves and it seems to have stopped growing. Meanwhile, my squash is going out of control...
I love growing herbs. We must get together and have a summer bash with recipes using our edible "babies."
I must have your dough recipe -looks fabulous! Wheat?
Looks great, I am sure I could do better. All I do is I pick up my car keys drive to costco, flash them my cool costco membership, go to the pizza section, pick up a basil yummy pizza, go to the front and pay for the pizza, and go home and cook the pizza and the friuts of my labor are so sweet! Take that!!!
That pizza looks DELICIOUS! Way to go! :)
Amy, my pot is also growing cilantro and chives. I can't wait to use them too, if I can keep them alive long enough to do so.
Fae, I will e-mail you the recipe. And yes, it's wheat, but only half and half so the texture isn't too heavy. We love it!
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