James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Snippets...

On this, my first "official" Mother's Day, I woke up to find a celebration already raging in our pad.

I love that my husband and daughter are such heavy partiers.

My people spoiled me rotten and I feel so lucky to have them around.

More on that tomorrow.

But before I turn in for the night, I must acknowledge the two women in our lives without whom we wouldn't exist.  Literally.

To my mama,

You are wonderful.  Thank you for being the woman I want to grow up to be.  Thank you for being the woman I want Lola to grow up to be.  Thank you for showing me how to grow through trial and come out on top, stronger and more resilient than ever before.  Thank you for showing me how to love.  Thank you for teaching me how to work hard.  Thank you for putting up with my drama-queen tendencies.  Thank you for laughing at me even when I'm not very funny.  Thank you for helping me believe I could (and can) do anything.  Thank you for loving my girl just as much as I do. Thank you for being there whenever I need a good cry.  Thank you for helping me stay focused in this mixed up, crazy world.  Thank you for showing me what it means to be an exceptional mother.

We love you.

To Reece's mama,

Thank you for making me feel so loved, even though I'm not your real daughter.  Thank you for not killing your crazy son when he was a teenager.  Thank you for teaching your son how to be a good man.  Thank you for loving Lola so much.  Thank you for your generosity.  Thank you for sitting outside in the freezing cold with me when I locked my keys (and Lola) in the apartment.  Thank you for so willingly taking care of my girl so I can continue to work.  Thank you for taking such good care of my girl when I'm not there.  Thank you for your thoughtfulness.  Thank you for telling me I'm skinny (even though I know you are lying).  Thank you for accepting me, kookyness and all.  Thank you for being such a wonderful example to the three of us.

We love you.

And with that, a happy Mother's Day to all, and to all a goodnight.

I'm off to cash in my coupon for a Mother's Day shoulder rub.


Brooke Peterson said...

Love the post. Happy 1st Mother's Day. xo Aunt Brooke

AJ and Cindy said...

Sounds like you had a great mother's day, I love how creative Reece got with the cards and crepe paper!You are one loved mama!