James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

James + Reece + Lola + Jessica

Friday, November 16, 2012

Last first day of school...

In August, Reece started his last year of school... ever.
Can I get a hallelujah?

This whole chapter in our lives has read unbelievably quickly.
So much so, that it's frankly a little scary.

The kids and I dropped our student off at the Tanner Building and then, for nostalgia's sake, I drove by my freshman dorm to show them where I lived nine (YIKES) years ago.

Lola took one look and said, with a rather large sigh, "I'm so, so sorry Mom."

Little does she know we'll be helping her move into that very building in 15 years, if I have anything to do with it.
And I'll be mooching off her Diner Plus plan every chance I get.

We presented Reece with a back-to-school key lime tart, and as we were walking back to our car Lola said, "When I'm big, I'll go to daddy's school. But can I color there?"

World-class education with dirt-cheap tuition?
Yes Lola, you most definitely can go to daddy's school when you're big.